Posted on: 16 June 2023

The Temiscamingue International Raid Joins the Adventure Racing World Series

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The Temiscamingue International Endurance Aventure Raid in Quebec is the first stage race to join the Adventure Racing World Series.

The Temiscamingue International Endurance Aventure Raid in Quebec is the first stage race to join the Adventure Racing World Series.

The race will take place from September 8-10th in the magnificent territory of the Anishinaabe Nation, and the location is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts and lovers of wide-open spaces, with no less than 7500 lakes and rivers. The diversity of fauna and the quality of its natural landscapes are perfect for adventure racing.

A total of 25 teams, from the region and from all over the world, will be on the start line. Teams of two will complete over 160 kilometres of trail running, trekking, mountain biking, canoeing, adventure swimming, rope sections and must navigate it all by map and compass in 28 hours maximum.

The Raid has three stages on a breathtaking course and there are two overnight camps where athletes get together. There will also be a Youth Raid at the beginning, where athletes will race with local teens, a grand opening ceremony and a closing banquet, and the whole event will showcase indigenous cultures.

The race is organised in partnership by the MRC Témiscamingue, la société de développement du Témiscamingue and Endurance Aventure, who have a long track record of successful international races, including the Raid International Gaspesie, which had a similar format and took place for many years, attracting the world’s best endurance athletes to Quebec. They have also organised races in China and the Northern Territories of Canada.

“After a successful pilot race in 2021 we know this is a wonderful location for an endurance race,” said Jean-Thomas Boily. “The territory is wild, has pristine and beautiful nature and a rich cultural heritage. We can promise teams an exceptional Témiscamienne experience.”

He continued, “We are proud to be the first stage race to join the Adventure Racing World Series. Being part of the biggest adventure racing community and race programme in the world will help us to showcase the amazing region to international visitors. We hope that in the future other high quality stage races around the world will also join.”

ARWS CEO Heidi Muller said, “The Endurance Aventure organisation and their races are world class and they have been pioneers in endurance and stage racing in Canada and North America. Now they are the first ARWS sanctioned stage race, and we hope the first of many. It’s a new era for the ARWS, under new ownership this year, and we will continue to expand and innovate.

“Stage racing has a long history in adventure racing and offers a different way to access and experience the sport, so we felt it was the right time to include it in the ARWS. The Temiscamingue Raid will have a separate stage race, so it’s not part of the Qualifier programme for the AR World Championship, but it will be part of the ARWS-North America Series. So participating teams can earn regional ranking points and go into the end of season grand prize draw to win prizes of gear, free race entries and a chance to go to the World Championships.”

The race will be professionally filmed and translated into 16 languages for broadcast in 125 countries.

You can find full details of the race and watch the 25 minute TV show of the pilot race and the race trailerat:




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Course Open
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Course Open
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Team of 2


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Course Open
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North America Series Raid International Témiscamingue

A 2 days Stage Race plus a prologue involving local youth. This event will be held in the heart of the Anishinaabe territory, making it a showcase for Indigenous culture thanks to a close partnership with local First Nations communities. Expect to push your limits in this fast pace and grueling adventure race!

If you're a little crazier than average, you like great multi-sport adventures and you have a partner you can count on no matter the conditions, the Raid International Témiscamingue is the event for you!

This unique adventure in Canada (Quebec), will allow you to discover the immense forest territory, the diversity of the fauna and the quality of the landscapes of Temiscamingue. It is a true paradise for outdoor enthusiasts!

This year, the event will also be included in the ARWS North America Regional ranking points which will allow the teams to come and get valuable points for the rest of their season.

Are you looking forward to discover the 160 km course which includes a section of running, cycling, canoeing, swimming and rope activities? Also, expect a few surprises for even more fun!

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Course Open
3 Days
2 Member
25 Teams


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Course Open
2 days
Team of 2 & 3


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Course Open
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Team of 2, 3 & 4


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Course Open
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25 Teams



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