4 Hour Fuel is an Endurance Superfood created and tested by ultra endurance athletes on Team BendRacing. We debated long and hard about keeping this secret to ourselves as athletes, but the only thing that is more rewarding than being on the podium at an ultra distance event, is helping others get to their personal podium! Over the past 5 years, we've had success with this fueling paradigm. It has been an integral part of the team's success at our wins of the Patagonian Expedition Race, Expedition Canada, Chelsey's solo 24 hour mountain bike Worlds Title and winning and becoming the record holders of the Yukon 1000. The longer the race or stage, and the higher the output we need to/want to maintain- the more crucial 4 Hour Fuel has become.
How to mix:
Front Country Option (at home) - fill your bottle of choice 2/3 with water (we use a standard 16 or 20 oz bike bottle). Pour that water into a blender, toss in the entire powder packet and blend. Dump into your bottle, and top it off with water. Shake. Go get after it.
For long races that are NOT super hot, we pre-mix most bottles this way, and leave them in TA bins for up to 60ish hours and have had no problems.
Backcountry mixing (In the TA) - Fill bottle half full with water, then add half the powder and shake like crazy. Add a bit more water and the rest of the powder and shake again. Top off with water and shake as you leave the TA on the way to greatness.
Mixing notes:
It is fine to mix the 4-hr fuel at less than full strength (we recommend at least 1/2 the pack, and then - Congrats, you just made 2-hour tea!), but if you are mixing just 1/4 serving in a bottle (200 cal) - well there are heaps of products out there that do that same thing and will likely taste better at that dilution. We've mixed this formula at all strengths from 2-6 hours in a single bottle and consensus is that the 4-hour strength is the best taste/nutrition/weight ratio for us. Remember, this is high density caloric fuel! That bottle is supposed to last you for 4 HOURS. So it is not your primary hydration source. Carry a separate bottle or bladder with good old straight water. Yum.
Get yours here:
Website: www.4hourfuel.com
Now Available in USA & Canada
Coming soon in NZ & Australia