The Adventure Racing World Series (ARWS) is a global platform uniting professional adventure races in iconic locations to serve a worldwide community of adventurers and endurance athletes. The series included 64 events in 2023.
A different race hosts the AR World Championship each year and the series consists of Qualifier, Regional and Stage races. Qualifiers are non-stop expedition length races of 3-10 days for mixed gender teams of 4, and race winners receive a place in the World Championship.
Regional races in Europe, North and South America, Asia, Africa and Oceania are in the 12-36 hour range and offer the opportunity of accessible, weekend racing and a pathway towards expedition racing and competing in ARWS Qualifiers and World Championships. Stage races are new for 2023 and are multiday day events with overnight camps.
Teams competing in Qualifiers are listed in the ARWS World Rankings and each region also has its own ranking.
The ARWS CEO is South African Businesswoman Heidi Muller, who is also Race Director of Expedition Africa.
The Adventure World Series was established in 2001 and is a company registered in Bentonville, Arkansas, USA. (Registered LLC address; SW Hyde Park, 5805, Bentonville, Arkansas 72713, US.)
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ARWS Rankings Technical Director
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ARWS Referee
ARWS Referee
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ARWS Referee